Sunday, January 25, 2009

SXCE build 106 is out

Solaris Express Community Edition (aka Nevada) build 106 has been released.

Notable changes in this build:

1. Project Volo integrated.
3. Significant CIFS updates.

Upgraded packages :

1. Firefox upgraded to 3.1b2.
2. Tomcat upgraded to version 6.0
3. nmap upgraded to 4.75
4. PCRE upgraded to 7.8
5. ipmitool upgraded to 1.8.10
6. Samba upgraded to 3.0.33
7. dbus upgraded to 1.2.8 (beware causes 6791982)

New FOSS packages:

1. Integrated pyOpenSSL (Python interface to the OpenSSL library)
2. MPFR - multiple-precision floating-point library
3. GNU MP 4.2.4
4. junit testing framework
5. TrouSerS - TCG software stack
6. Dia 0.96.1 diagram editor
7. Seahorse (replaces gnome keyring manager)
8. lynx - text based web browser

Full list of changes on package boundary:

New packages:

system SUNWbmp-thai-closed Thai X Windows Platform required Fonts Package
GNOME2 SUNWdia Dia Diagram Editor
GNOME2 SUNWdiveintopython A book on Python programming
GNOME2 SUNWfirefox-bookmark Firefox's default bookmark
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-a11y-libs-root Accessibility implementation for GNOME - / filesystem
system SUNWgnu-mp GNU MP 4.2.4
system SUNWgnu-mpfr GNU MPFR 2.3.2
GNOME2 SUNWgtk-vnc gtk-vnc - A GTK widget for VNC clients
GNOME2 SUNWgtk-vnc-devel gtk-vnc - A GTK widget for VNC clients - development files
GNOME2 SUNWgtk-vnc-python24 gtk-vnc - A GTK widget for VNC clients - Python 2.4 binding files
GNOME2 SUNWhamster Time tracking for masses
GNOME2 SUNWhamster-root Time tracking for masses - / filesystem
system SUNWjunit junit - Java unit testing framework
GNOME2 SUNWlibpigment Pigment user interface library with embedded multimedia
GNOME2 SUNWlibpigment-devel Development headers for Pigment
GNOME2 SUNWlibpigment-python24 SUNWlibpigment-python24
GNOME2 SUNWlibpigment-python25 SUNWlibpigment-python25
GNOME2 SUNWlibvisual Libvisual provides a convenient API for writing visualization plugins
GNOME2 SUNWlibvisual-devel Libvisual provides a convenient API for writing visualization plugins - development files
GNOME2 SUNWlynx Text-mode web browser
GNOME2 SUNWlynx-root Text-mode web browser - / filesystem
system SUNWpython-pyopenssl pyOpenSSL - Python interface to the OpenSSL library
GNOME2 SUNWpython-twisted-web2 A HTTP/1.1 Server Framework
GNOME2 SUNWpython24-cssutils A Python 2.4 package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets.
GNOME2 SUNWpython25-cssutils A Python 2.5 package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets.
GNOME2 SUNWpython25-twisted Event-based framework for internet applications
GNOME2 SUNWpython25-twisted-web2 A HTTP/1.1 Server Framework
GNOME2 SUNWseahorse Seahorse
GNOME2 SUNWseahorse-devel Seahorse - development files
GNOME2 SUNWseahorse-root Seahorse - / filesystem
system SUNWtss TCG Software Stack - software for accessing a TPM device
system SUNWtss-root TCG Software Stack - software for accessing a TPM device
GNOME2 SUNWvinagre Vinagre - A VCN client for the GNOME Desktop
GNOME2 SUNWvinagre-root Vinagre - A VCN client for the GNOME Desktop - / filesystem

Removed packages.

GNOME2 SUNWgnome-keyring-manager GNOME Keyring Manager
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-keyring-manager-root GNOME Keyring Manager - / filesystem

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