Monday, March 09, 2009

SXCE build 109 is out

Solaris Express Community Edition (aka Nevada) build 109 has been released.

Significant changes in this build

1. Laptop Hotkey Support
2. Unified /usr/{bin,ucb}/ps
3. DTrace CPC Provider
4. NVIDIA graphics driver updated to 180.29
5. tree integrated
6. Python 2.6.1 packages are available
7. sg3_utils integrated

Changes on package level:

New packages:

GNOME2 SUNWPython26 The Python interpreter, libraries and utilities
GNOME2 SUNWPython26-devel The Python interpreter, libraries and utilities - development files
GNOME2 SUNWPython26-extra Supplemental Python libraries and utilities
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-python26-libs Python 2.6 support libraries for GNOME
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-python26-libs-devel Python 2.6 support libraries for GNOME - development files
system SUNWkonkretcmpi KonkretCMPI
system SUNWlang-be Belarus language support
system SUNWlang-ka Georgian language support
system SUNWpostgr-83-l10n-ja Japanese localization for PostgreSQL 8.3
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-setuptools Download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages easily
system SUNWsg3utilsr sg3_utils - a package of utilities for sending SCSI commands (root)
system SUNWsg3utilsu sg3_utils - a package of utilities for sending SCSI commands (usr)
system SUNWsimplewbem SimpleWBEM (Cimple)
system SUNWtree tree - recursive directory listing program

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