Tuesday, June 02, 2009

SXCE build 115 is out

Solaris Express Community Edition (aka Nevada) build 115 has been released.

This build comes with a lot of goodies. One of the most interesting is Project Boomer (PSARC 2008/318). This project introduced new audio architecture for Solaris. Another big thing is integration of GNOME 2.26.

Want some more ?

1. RealTek RTL8187L USB 802.11b/g Wireless Driver
2. VIA Rhine Ethernet driver
3. audio1575 driver
4. hme/qfe driver for x86
5. audiots driver for x86
6. less updated to 429
7. Firefox updated to 3.5 beta 4
8. unrar integrated
9. mrtg integrated
10. dwdiff integrated

Changes on package level:

New packages:
GNOME2      SUNWcairo                        Vector graphics library
GNOME2 SUNWcairo-devel Vector graphics library - development files
system SUNWcglib cglib - Code Generation Library
GNOME2 SUNWcompiz-fusion-extra-devel extra effects plugins for compiz - developer files
GNOME2 SUNWdbus-glib D-Bus GLib bindings
GNOME2 SUNWdbus-glib-devel D-Bus GLib bindings - development files
GNOME2 SUNWdbus-python24 D-Bus Python 2.4 bindings
GNOME2 SUNWdbus-python24-devel D-Bus Python 2.4 bindings - development files
GNOME2 SUNWdbus-python26 D-Bus Python 2.6 bindings
GNOME2 SUNWdbus-python26-devel D-Bus Python 2.6 bindings - development files
GNOME2 SUNWdesktop-cache desktop-cache is a set of SMF services used to update the various GNOME desktop caches.
GNOME2 SUNWdesktop-cache-root desktop-cache is a set of SMF services used to update the various GNOME desktop caches. - / filesystem
GNOME2 SUNWdesktop-startup Desktop startup scripts in xinitrc.d
GNOME2 SUNWdesktop-startup-root Desktop startup scripts in xinitrc.d - / filesystem
system SUNWdom4j dom4j - Java-based XML/XPath/XSLT Library with support for DOM/SAX/JAXP
system SUNWdwdiff dwdiff - a diff program that operates at the word level
FIREFOX SUNWfirefox-apoc-adapter Mozilla Firefox Web browser - Apoc Adapter
FLASH SUNWflash-player-plugin Adobe Flash Player plugin
GNOME2 SUNWglib2 GNOME core libraries
GNOME2 SUNWglib2-devel GNOME core libraries - development files
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-a11y-libs-python24 Accessibility implementation for GNOME - Python 2.4 binding files
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-a11y-libs-python26 Accessibility implementation for GNOME - Python 2.6 binding files
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-cd-burner Gnome CD/DVD burner
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-cd-burner-devel Gnome CD/DVD burner - developer files
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-cd-burner-root Gnome CD/DVD burner - / filesystem
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-python-extras Supplemental Python 2.4 bindings for GNOME
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-python-extras-devel Supplemental Python 2.4 bindings for GNOME - development files
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-python26-extras Supplemental Python 2.6 bindings for GNOME
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-python26-extras-devel Supplemental Python 2.6 bindings for GNOME - development files
GNOME2 SUNWgroff GNU roff Text Fommatting
GNOME2 SUNWgst-python Python 2.4 bindings for the GStreamer streaming media framework
GNOME2 SUNWgst-python-devel Python 2.4 bindings for the GStreamer streaming media framework - development files
GNOME2 SUNWgst-python26 Python 2.6 bindings for the GStreamer streaming media framework
GNOME2 SUNWgst-python26-devel Python 2.6 bindings for the GStreamer streaming media framework - development files
GNOME2 SUNWgtk-vnc-python26 gtk-vnc - A GTK widget for VNC clients - Python 2.6 binding files
GNOME2 SUNWgtk2 GTK+ - GIMP toolkit libraries
GNOME2 SUNWgtk2-devel GTK+ - GIMP toolkit libraries - development files
GNOME2 SUNWgtk2-root GTK+ - GIMP toolkit libraries - / filesystem
system SUNWhmd SunSwift Adapter Drivers
system SUNWio-tools Administrative tools to modify the pci/pcie fabric
system SUNWjarjar jarjar - Java-based Packaging Utility
system SUNWjavamail JavaMail API
system SUNWjdom jdom - open source XML Java API
system SUNWjxl jexcelapi - Java Excel API
GNOME2 SUNWlibart GNOME library for high-performace 2D graphics
GNOME2 SUNWlibart-devel GNOME library for high-performace 2D graphics - development files
GNOME2 SUNWlibatk GNOME accesibility toolkit libraries
GNOME2 SUNWlibatk-devel GNOME accesibility toolkit libraries - development files
GNOME2 SUNWlibcanberra-root Event Sound API Using XDG Sound Theming Specification - / filesystem
GNOME2 SUNWlibglade GNOME library for loading GLADE interfaces at runtime
GNOME2 SUNWlibglade-devel GNOME library for loading GLADE interfaces at runtime - development files
GNOME2 SUNWlibgnomecanvas GNOME canvas library
GNOME2 SUNWlibgnomecanvas-devel GNOME canvas library - development files
GNOME2 SUNWlibpigment-python26 SUNWlibpigment-python26
GNOME2 SUNWlibproxy Libproxy is a library that provides automatic proxy configuration management
GNOME2 SUNWlibproxy-devel Libproxy is a library that provides automatic proxy configuration management - development files
GNOME2 SUNWlibunique libunique - library for writing single instance applications
GNOME2 SUNWlibunique-devel libunique - library for writing single instance applications - development files
system SUNWlog4j log4j - Java-based Logging Utility
system SUNWmrtg mrtg - The Multi Router Traffic Grapher
GNOME2 SUNWmyspell-dictionary-noinst Myspell and Hunspell spell dictionary files for extra languages (not in /usr/lib/locale)
GNOME2 SUNWpango GNOME core text and font handling libraries
GNOME2 SUNWpango-devel GNOME core text and font handling libraries - development files
GNOME2 SUNWpango-root GNOME core text and font handling libraries - / filesystem
system SUNWperl-pmtools Perl module tools
system SUNWpull-parser PullParser - XML Parser
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-cssutils A Python 2.6 package to parse and build CSS Cascading Style Sheets.
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-imaging Python's own image processing library
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-notify Python 2.6 bindings for libnotify
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-notify-devel Python 2.6 bindings for libnotify - development files
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-simplejson JSON (Java Script Object Notation) encoder/decoder for Python 2.6
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-twisted Event-based framework for internet applications
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-twisted-web2 A HTTP/1.1 Server Framework
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-xdg Python library to access freedesktop.org standards
GNOME2 SUNWpython26-zope-interface A separate distribution of the zope.interface package used in Zope 3
GNOME2 SUNWpyyaml26 A YAML parser and emitter for the Python language
GNOME2 SUNWtotem-pl-parser a library to parse playlist
GNOME2 SUNWtotem-pl-parser-devel a library to parse playlist - development files
system SUNWunrar Rar archives extractor utility
system SUNWurtw RealTek RTL8187L USB 802.11b/g Wireless Driver
system SUNWvr VIA Rhine Fast Ethernet driver
system SUNWxom xom - XML object model
system SUNWxsdlib xsdlib - Sun XML Datatypes Library
system SUNWxstream xstream - Java library to serialize objects to XML

Removed packages.
GNOME2      SUNWbrasero                      Gnome CD/DVD burner
GNOME2 SUNWbrasero-root Gnome CD/DVD burner - / filesystem
GNOME2 SUNWdbus-bindings Simple IPC library based on messages
GNOME2 SUNWdbus-bindings-devel Simple IPC library based on messages - development files
FLASH SUNWflash-player-plugin Macromedia Flash Player plugin
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-cd-burner GNOME CD burner
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-cd-burner-devel GNOME CD burner - development files
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-cd-burner-root GNOME CD burner - / filesystem
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-media-player-devel GNOME media player - development files
GNOME2 SUNWgnome-python-extras Supplemental Python bindings for GNOME
GNOME2 SUNWgroff GNU roff Text Formatting
GNOME2 SUNWgst-python Python bindings for the GStreamer streaming media framework

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