Significant changes in this build
1. Wireless USB support integrated
2. LSI MegaRAID SAS2.0 HBA driver integrated
3. PSARC/2009/204 ZFS user/group quotas & space accounting integrated
4. Wireshark 1.0.7 integrated (my favorite for this build !!!)
5. httping integrated
6. GNU readline library integrated
7. gdbm integrated
8. Unix/ODBC integrated
Changes on package level:
New packages:
system SUNWepydoc epydoc
system SUNWgnu-dbm GNU Database Manager
system SUNWgnu-readline GNU readline
system SUNWhal-cups-utils hal-cups-utils (usr)
system SUNWhal-cups-utilsr hal-cups-utils (root)
system SUNWhttping httping - ping for http-requests
system SUNWjanino janino - An Embedded JavaTM Compiler
system SUNWjaxen-core jaxen-core - XPath library
system SUNWjdtcore jdt-core - Core java elements and API plugin
system SUNWjettison jettison - A JSON STax Implementation
system SUNWjodatime joda-time- Java date and time API
system SUNWmvel mvel - Java-based Expression Language
system SUNWobjectasm asm - Java bytecode manipulation and analysis framework
system SUNWpen pen
system SUNWpenr Pen (root)
system SUNWpython26-pyopenssl pyOpenSSL - Python interface to the OpenSSL library for Python 2.6
system SUNWrelaxngDatatype relaxngDatatype - RELAX NG Datatype Library
system SUNWslrn slrn - S-Lang read news
system SUNWunixodbc The UnixODBC Subsystem and SDK
system SUNWunixodbcr The UnixODBC Subsystem and SDK (root)
system SUNWuwb Ultra Wideband (UWB) support modules
system SUNWwireshark Wireshark
system SUNWwiresharkr Wireshark (root)
system SUNWxpp3min xpp3 - XmlPull parsing engine
Removed packages.
system SUNWphx Solaris interface for phx